Pittsburgh2989 for CSM 20

He’s the only choice for a new generation

Lowsec pirate king, and all around good dude Pitsburgh2989 needs your help to restore Pocvhven to sanity.

For to long, CCP has listened to morons like degenerate Twitch Streamers and as such we have this fantastic battle that depleted the Jita Golem market. How is Nullsec supposed to enjoy your new Mining Expansion from CCP Christ Okami without Golems?

This is where you come in, EVE Online Voter! You need to vote for Pittsburgh2989 for CSM

He has a several bullet point plan that will solve everything, and this plan is even endorsed by The Imperium Exec Brisc Rubal;

If elected he will force CCP to address the following CCP Caused Pochven Pain Points (CCPPCPP)

  • A larger entry gate means no one can hold a blob out. You need increasingly large amount of dictors for a small group to try to run a site and not get pushed out – their idea of contesting made it perfect for a blob up to contest and hurt any independent group.
  • A small room 2 arena means you’re at immense risk inside by being in point range as soon as someone contests. This also killed off any doctrine variety (no kiting, small gang has to go very expensive to contest, have to be able to tank at effectively zero). Good for killing off shit ishtars that would never fight, but that could have been fixed by rat changes not the arena.
  • red loot added no meaningful gameplay. Maybe at best 1-2% of sites are getting stolen and that is happening by like 2 dudes (if everyone going to complain about the wealth of a few multiboxers, should look at this as well). As long as you can extract loot vs use LP there is no real danger to isk generated.
  • LP store continues to be broken, so isk is the only reason to exist in poch. Was not hard to just convert to LP and fix this LP store. Like why the fuck is a zirn cheaper in jita than existing LP store. Change zirn price, add in some amulets or decent implants, some faction mods, boom fixed and over farming will tank prices to not be worth it.
  • Keys were the ultimate tool for established wealth to crush anyone. We can gladly dump 1-3b to blob someone out while it just cost them minimum 450m for a fleet of 15 to enter site. That loss is not sustainable and they leave the region.
  • Keys still have not been introduced as a loot drop to small sites. This would have immediately generated content in more than obs and provided a new income capability by goods exchange to players. Npc sell order of unlimited amount makes no sense for a faucet.
  • Decloak pulse didnt do anything to cctv. It was reverted to help bombers, but you can’t bomb a buffer marauder. Needs to go back to very rapid (5-15min with variety) so it can’t be botted as easily.
  • as long as spawns are non-varying buffer meta is not going away. Killed off all doctrine types other than that. Should have made bastion cause a super siege or larger spawn, or just disallowed in the region.
  • lowered standings for all activities enabled packs more freedom. Not a huge impact, but every bit counts. Home system spawns are no longer a barrier.

Vote for Pittsburgh and his pal Blazing Bunny for CMS20 today. Help make Pochven stable again!

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