Zentron’s Home for Space Incels

Welcome to the Zentron Kalkoken Home for Space Incels. Your place on the internet, safe from Vagina!

Are you repressed by women in Goonswarm? Did your lack of any commendable actions in game not get recognized by Asher in a fireside? Did you lose your virginity to a microwaved fleshlight? Are you obsessed with Anime Porn? Then we’re the corp for you!

Zentron build the ZHSI as a sanctuary for those repressed by the unfairness of Double D’s in space being used to repress graduates of Andrew Tate’s University as they traverse around New Eden, being depressed by their lack of involvement in epic space adventures as “The Simperium” simply overlooks chads and alpha males, and promotes hard working women over the bagel winners and real men of genius who press F1 harder than anyone.

Our requirements are simple:

1: You must hate your mother, your aunts, and anything without a penis.

2: You must have stolen 200B from your corporation, and went off on a spicy rant in Kremlin about how unfair it was you didn’t’ get a golden star for sitting on your ass while other people who actually worked their ass off got recognized in a super important space teams call.

3: You must use pictures of Homelander from “The Boys” to express yourself like the 12 year old man-child you really are.

To apply, please submit an application to Zentron Kalkoken in game. Please remit 150 Million ISK for an application fee, he has yet to pay anyone back from what he stole.