Friends of KarmaFleet

Rob from Best Buy

Specialties: Boudoir photography, audio systems, upselling Brisc Rubal DSLR Camera’s. Getting fired from Best Buy 10 minutes after selling Brisc a Stream Camera.

Weaknesses: Normal Clothing

Debbie from the Club

Specialties: Drinking every shot supplied over a 9 hour DJ set via Tips and Bits sent to Mind1 while he performed at his towns most empty bar.

Weaknesses: Shots of Whiskey, 7-Up

Hibachi Chef Nate

Specialties: Using an entire cart of butter, and still not cooking the chicken thoroughly.

Weaknesses: Long Island Ice Tea’s

Merkelchens Dad

Specialties: Owning over 150 Yeti Coolers, Drink Packs, Lunch Packs and giving custom engraved Yeti Cups to stream members.

Weaknesses: Merkelchen’s Mom.

Planet Hollywood’s Kimberly, Mistress of Glass Bar

Specialties: Kicking Ceema, Sopleb and Charlotte Collette out of the bar for bringing in Earl of Sandwiches. Keeping track of over $1000 in Michelob Ultra tabs.

Weaknesses: Ignoring Vipers Fang Crendraven who attempted to get her to download EVE Online.